
To come along side women with a history of sexual abuse, assisting them in their healing journey. This support is provided through opportunities, in a safe environment, for engagement with God and each other in finding hope and the ability to move into a more meaningful life. We encourage counseling and treatment of survivors by licensed professionals as an integral part of the recovery process.


more information

Signs of Abuse

What are some of the signs of a sexually abused child, an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse or a sexual predator? How do you help a survivor of sexual abuse?


Recommended Reading

Recommended reading to assist you or a friend on the healing journey.Categories: Dysfunction; Sexual Abuse; Integration; Sexual Predators; Healing; Miscellaneous



From a trusted friend to a lay counselor or a licensed therapist - how do you determine the best person to guide you on your healing journey? Includes definitions and how-to-find tips.


Survivor Stories

Sexual abuse can come from anyone including a family member, a ‘friend’, spouse or significant other. Women share personal accounts of abuse and their healing journey.

support groups

Support Groups

You are not alone! Join other women with similar life experience in a safe, confidential setting. Contact Us to find the best fit for you, or to start a group in your church. For group descriptions.



Abuse Survivors Art Show; "Into The Wildflowers" class; Workshops; Speakers - For current opportunities.

Contact Restored Hearts

For more information, please click the link below to contact us.